( Pierre, AVC 2016, travelled to Natuashish in 2015. Students were asked to write a short piece based on a photograph that resonated with them. )
This picture represents the pristine, almost untouched, landscape found just outside the town of Natuashish. It had been a long time since I had seen such a breathtaking view; walking through the brush, trees, beaches and seeing the rivers and lakes with no traces of human civilization has a calming effect that is almost indescribable. The water is so clear and clean that you can just drink directly from it. The lack of city noise is shocking at first, then its effect sets in and you wonder how you ever lived in the city. You feel like an explorer; the first person to ever lay eyes on this land. All that you want is the ability to instantaneously come back to this exact place when life throws a curve ball at you, to relax and recharge yourself.

This description does not do it justice in any way, but it was important to me to remind myself that while electronics and the daily hustle and bustle of school are integral part of my life, I should not forget to sometimes take time to sit back and relax, enjoy the lakes, rivers, forests and stars on a clear night sky, because it truly is the most amazing and beautiful thing in the world. One just has to stop and look around.