The Chinook Project
Participating Communities
For information on each of the communities we’ve visited click on the name of the community, here:
Kimmirut, Cambridge Bay, Kugluktuk, Makkovik, Hopedale, Postville, Nain, Natuashish, Rigolet, Sheshatshiu, Iqaluit, Igloolik. In these communities, as well as in Goose Bay, Halifax, St. John's, Ottawa and everywhere else we pass through on our journeys- we are helped by a myriad of people who billet, feed, drive, source supplies and locations....as well as completing a long list of other tasks. It is impossible to mention them all, but please know we appreciate you!

The Hamlet of Kimmirut (which means “heel” in Inuktitut) is a community of approximately 400 people, nestled in the hills of southern Baffin Island. Kimmirut was the first community visited by The Chinook Project (2006)–and we are grateful for everything this community did to help make our pilot Project a success. We returned to this Hamlet in 2008 to help the dog population, which, at the time, numbered about 100. Special thanks go to Pascale Baillargeon, Loolie Padluq, Jeannie and Elijah Padluq, and Qaqqalik School. Our clinics were held at the school, where we provided vaccines, medical appointments and surgery. We also travelled out of town to treat sled dog groups and performed house calls. Scroll through our gallery below.

The Hamlet of Cambridge Bay is a community of approximately 1800 people, located on the southern shore of Victoria Island. It is situated on the southern arm of the “North West Passage,” and was part of the D.E.W. line, established in the 1950s–now part of the North Warning System. We set up clinics in Cambridge Bay in 2007 and in 2009. We are grateful for the warm welcome from the Hamlet of Cambridge Bay, and, especially, for the contributions and support of the following: Diamonds in the Ruff, Dawn Soper and Brittany Stachura, Andy and Millie Traub, Nunavut Arctic College, Kiilinik School. Scroll through photosof the 2007 Project below.

The Hamlet of Kugluktuk is the most westerly community in Nunavut, located at the northern tip of the mainland. It has a population of approximately 1300 people. The Chinook Project visited Kugluktuk in 2009. We are grateful for the warm welcome from the community and, especially, for the contributions and support of the following: Kugluktuk Best Friends Society, Catherine Cornish, Melissa Joy, Gladys Joudrey, Larry and Helen Whittaker, Renewable Resources (Mathieu Dumond, Luigi Torretti, Dustin Fredlund). Scroll through this gallery below for images of our 2009 trip
Natuashish is a community of about 700 people, and was established in 2002 as a new home for the Mushuau Innu First Nation people of Davis Inlet–15 km away. The Chinook Project visited Natuashish in 2010, 2011 and again in 2015 and 2019. Each time we set up clinics in the fire hall (and the church basement!) and were hosted by the community. We are grateful to Ruben Pillay, Joann Breault, Rickie O’Gorman, Delrose Gordon and the Mushuau Innu Band Council. In 2015 and 2018 we were also helped by Elsie Greenwood, Kathleen Benuen, Anja Spears, Max Clements and Sandra Hancock as well as many other community members, such as everyone who helped at the Fire Hall, Medical Centre and with food and billeting. View photos from our 2010 and 2011 trips below. Plans to return in 2020 were thwarted by COVID-19.